Selection of Residents and Faculty

For Main Chapter (see Members > Resident Members for Residency Chapter selection)

Letters of nomination for residents, fellows, and faculty members, citing specific examples of humanistic behavior and character, will be solicited from medical students, residents, fellows, faculty, clinical department Chairs, and residency program directors. The Chapman Society Class of 2008 formulated and adopted the following selection procedure for resident and faculty members of the honor society.

Consideration for membership into The Chapman Society should be based upon the criteria below, adapted from the criteria for membership into the national Gold Humanism Honor Society.

  • Integrity and sound moral reasoning.
  • Respect for others from all stations of life.
  • General excellence in humanistic patient care, and a willingness to engage in supportive patient interaction/advocacy.
  • The ability to establish communicative relationships that focus on listening and understanding.
  • The ability to learn from life experiences.
  • Maintaining compassion, concern, respect, integrity and commitment to humanistic goals in the face of adversity.
  • Superior evaluations from faculty and residents or from students on third year clerkships.
  • Peer evaluations.
  • Excellence in teaching students, residents, colleagues, and patients.
  • Involvement in service-related activities (e.g. Equal Access Clinic, international medicine, etc.).

Demonstration of a commitment to humanism, as illustrated by the criteria above, shall be the overriding consideration in selecting faculty, fellow, and resident members.  Chapman Society members should be role models within the College of Medicine for humanism in medical practice and medical education.

Nomination Process

Nominations for residents and faculty may be submitted by both member and non-member individuals and must include a formal letter submitted to the Chair for Resident and Faculty Selection prior to the election meeting or personal advocacy on the part of the nominator at the election meeting. Consideration for membership shall be based on the criteria for membership into the national Gold Humanism Honor Society as outlined in Article V, Section 2 of this constitution.

Voting Process

Any and all previously selected Chapman Society / UF GHHS members (except honorary members) present at the election meeting are eligible to vote for resident and faculty members. The election process shall take place in closed session.  Only Chapman Society members may be present during the election process.  Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot.  The residents and faculty nominees receiving the greatest number of votes shall be elected to membership in The Chapman Society. Society members can elect up to a maximum of six residents and four faculty members for induction each year, but are not required to elect any individuals if no suitable nominee can be found.  Nominees who do not receive any votes shall not be elected to membership in The Chapman Society.

Once approved, they will be notified immediately and inducted officially at the induction banquet.

Originally formulated and adopted by the Class of 2004
Modified annually by subsequent Classes